MACC discussion. |
The usual bunch of goats showed up. No idea how many pax we had. Nowadays, they dont care anymore. Nobody bothers to count. Nobody is keeping records. Headcount is mere formality. As long as you show up with a bike, you are in. Doesn't matter if you are dressed up like Bozo or Rosmah. You are in. If you get lost and lose sight of the main pack and failed to keep up. Then you deserved to be left behind. Shame on you...
Started from the usual Section 9 junction. Rode all the way to Wakaf Salam for the usual taichi and photo taking session. 3 fellas took out their camera cum phone. Everyone froze. Photos taken. Off we went. CEO was a wee bit upset that nobody congratulated him for making it to the infamous wakaf to have his photo taken. This is the first time CEO actually made it all the way INTO the trail. What more the wakaf. CEO usually comes to KDCF car park. Then leaves quietly after everyone rides into the trail. The group more than usual forgets about CEO until the first stop at the wakaf to discover his absence. By then, CEO would have absentmindedly switched off his mobile.
This time, he actually rode into the trail and made it to the wakaf for his obligatory photo taking. He insisted on taking a photo to immortalise this momentous moment. He made us feel like we just summited Aconcagua. We could only force a polite smile. Pete did his usual photo taking duties. Photo came out as blurred as can be. What a buddy... Now, it is still unclear if that was really the CEO of someone else pretending to look like him. The debate continues.
Up to the clearing. The entire herd gathered again for the next obligatory photo taking session. This is the main cross junction between bikers and hikers. Everyone tries to be polite whenever some pretty young hikers came along. The old goats tries not to speak or curse too loudly when the pretty ones comes by. It is really difficult trying to speak and hold in the beer belly. Many tried, mostly failed miserably.
Manta and Oily comparing toe nails. |
Finally arrived at the hut after almost an hour of slogging through Serenity and Salleh. CEO was more than pleased to make it to the third stop for his photo to be taken. It felt like we just summitted 3 G7's within a day. My lungs are literally bursting with joy and lactic acid he declared. He was so pleased with himself, he decided to reward himself with a soul searching solo ride back towards the car all by himself. No amount of coaxing will change his mind. He was adamant he will do a solo run. No one is to accompany him. Lest he loses focus or consciousness along the way. This he must do by himself. As all Jedi must... Of course, that was after he showed us his RM500 automatic tyre inflater. Borky was so impressed he offered his bike as a tester. Most everyone went oohh and aaahhh...
After saying his farewell, the herd headed back into the trail minus the CEO.
Another quiet uneventful ride towards the next photo taking location.
The herd arrived and started to assemble for the next photo taking session. We heard a whimper. Poor Little Borky finally realised why the CEO left for his solo soul searching run. The CEO conveniently forgot to mention that his RM500 automatic tyre inflater could also act as a RM500 automatic tyre deflator. Borky was left with a flat rear tyre. Poor old Borky.
The entire herd sprung into action as all herds do whenever one of their own is in trouble or mistreated.
Happy Borky... |
"No worries Borky. We will take care of this... " said Teres.
After giving instructions on how best we should deal with the flat tyre, Teres decided to help by going to sleep for the next 20 minutes.
The team helping Bork repair his flat tyre. |
It was another boring run back towards the car. Another hour of talking to myself got me back at the car with Oily, Jesse and Gerard. And that was how we ended up in the Green Dot. A couple of ice cold beer to figure out how to best report the CEO to MACC for his dual purpose automatic inflator deflator thingy.
Borky repairing flat tyre hands free... |
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