Ride Report Kiara:-
Pictures below basically sums up last Sunday Kiara ride. Only difference is, instead of ONLY fat people. We had a Fat Bike in our presence. The Painmaster decided to show up with his new toy. He claims its called a fat bike. Which got most of the old folks excited. It was like a circus. Many wanted to show how fast they can turn on this monster of a bike. Most ended up looking like circus monkeys doing a performance. If only there were banana's to feed them with. Pity...
Cloud Nine for the Manta. |
From there on, everything thing else was over shadowed by that fatty of a bike. It didn't matter that we went to the Office. Connected to Coronary then switched to Magic Carpet. We could have been riding with a butt naked Cameron Diaz and the conversation will still be the same.
Back at the cross road. The boys were still undecided on the size of the tyre on the fatty bike. Some claimed it was 5.2 inches. Another claims it was a foot wide at the least.Tan Sri Bok was merely happy he had the chance to perform on it. And a good job he did while at it. It helps that he is from Malacca. And he grew up beside the local zoo. Gifted little fella this one. Just so know, the primate show in Malacca Zoo usually starts at 2pm. Limited seats available.
Guest Performer from Malacca. |
From Junction, the group was whipped into 2k by King Kenny. Headed towards Mission and took a quick break at the bottom tarmac. Then it was up towards Barracuda where we ran into the monstrosity of the bike again. This time around, the Manta were unable to resist. Stole the bike for a spin while the Painmaster was distracted. Into the bush the Manta went. Not 5 minutes later emerged with a huge grin. It really is too personal to ask what the Manta was doing in the bush with a Fat bike. He came out grinning like schoolboy. I chose to politely smile and let him enjoy his walk in the clouds.
So it was finally agreed upon that the fat bike actually has a 3.8inch tyre. In fat bike terms, that's actually a Skinny Tyre. God forbid what else they will come out with next. This goes to show that a cyclist will sell his kidney for anything that has 2 wheels on it. That is how mental a cyclist can be.
Then again, this is the Painmaster we are talking about right? Hmmm... Mental is correct.
Vince showing off his personal tyre. |
It was Barracuda to Plan C and back towards Pondok via the newly bulldozed trail. 5 riders decided they had enough of fat stuffs for the week and chose to cut the ride short. Which left us with 7 more to kick down. It was then decided to head off towards Lungbuster via Cross road with the hope of seeing the Fat Bike AGAIN.
Into Lungbuster. No fat bike. Back into Coronary Reverse. No fat bike in sight. Office in Reverse. Nope. No fat bike again. That's when the group decided it was high time to head back towards the car.
Feeding time... |
Bikes loaded. Clothes changed. Into the mamak shop the group went... Thank god for Nasi Goreng Thai!
For once, we didn't have to talk about fat people or fat bikes. I was beginning to feel really greasy...