Thursday, 31 May 2012

Sunday Ride 3rd June 2012- KIARA

3rd JUNE 2012 Kiara Ride.
   The boys have decided its probably best to ride KIARA before its all fenced up. Seems the long steel fence have been extended quite a bit. There is even a petition being organised to help preserve what ever is left for now. Heart wrenching to say the least. I remember Kiara at her best years ago. You have to ride it then to reliase how much is already lost. Pity.
   Ride details follows.

Kiara Ride:-
Meeting point: In front of KSH
Time: 0800hours
Ride distance: 15-18 clicks. Depending on who hold the whip on Sunday
Contact person: Peter Choong 012-227 4443

Petition Proposal and Hope.
   Dear fellow bikers,

This is a short note to inform you all that a petition to leave Kiara untouched has been started.

   It’s a hard copy format (you have to use a pen on paper) and it’s hung at the bike wash stand at Lemba Kiarapark.

   This is to ask you all, if you care about trying to preserve Kiara the way it is now to take the time to sign this list.

   It’s understood that the chances ofKiara being totally left alone by the developers is very slim as they havealready made a start, but the petition is to enable folks like TRAKS, FoBK and others to have some weight to their counter-proposals to the development plans.

Many thanks,


Monday, 21 May 2012

Ride Report RRI / KDCF 20th May 2012

RRI + KDCF Ride 20th May 2012:-
   Another Sunday where Murphy came into play again... This was more drama than usual. From punctures to natives swinging daggers...Yellow Manta showing up in ORANGE. Victor trying to inflate his water tank to oblivion...
  It started off with Petronas station being filled to the brim at 0630 hours. Who would expect that at 0630hour. There was 40 other cars trying to get petrol. On a Sunday ? Left without getting any fuel. Headed off towards the meeting point.- Which is actually somewhere else away from the SPECIALIZED STORE by the way. I had a few riders asking me discreetly. 

"Eh Brother, the post says Specialized Store right ? How come we end up behind the Shell station instead?"
" Ummm... I dont know leh. I am also new here. No idea who the ride leader is. Go ask that chubby guy."
Kolo Chan pretending to listen to Krankster.
   Counted 15 clowns for the ride. Took off on tarmac towards RRI to enter from the old gate via Sungai Buloh. It has been years since we came in from this part. Everything you see was nostalgic. From the rusted gate to the open flat field. 
   Off we went, ran into a group of riders having their early morning vitamin sponsored by JT Tobacco. That's where Victor asked me why my rear wheel was making funny noise. Turns out the rear wheel was on the verge of flying out. Noted. Adjustments done. Up the single track we went. Ran into KY Jelly squatting by the trail . Right smack in the middle. Have you seen anyone break their spokes riding in RRI? Yep. The Jelly King managed to do that. We were not even climbing anything. He still insist 80kgs is not fat. Which i duly agree. Hang on.. We talking about swines right?
   Anyhoo.. Off we went to catch the rest of the herd. Regroup done at the first water tank. Chit chat and mosquito counting done. The herd headed for the radio tower. All the way down towards the Terraces. The herd waited at the bottom of the Terraces to wait for the famous endo clown to show. None did. The Wrench almost made it happen but ..sigh. Off we went again towards the lakeside for the exit behind Cova.
Jungle Boy explaining the multiple use of ancestral dagger.
   Just right at the bottom the little hut before the junction. Our resident Grouchy decided to share with the herd the joy of riding home made tubeless. And a ripped sidewall. And the absence of a tyre pump. And the attempt to pry open tubeless tyre with his short puny fingers. 
   Thankfully we had our in-house native boy present. He was more than willing to share with Grouchy his ancestral tyre lever. Which turns out to be a 4 inch steel dagger inherited from his elders. Arther anak Tiong was adamant that the dagger can be used as a tyre lever. Guinness very nearly keeled over. A set of plastic and very correct tyre lever was finally flung out and about to settle the dispute. And get Grouchy's wheel fixed.
   Yellow Manta was spotted chewing on another bun. Tan Sri Bok was busy attempting emergency healthcare to a rider with a couple of mosquito bite. 
   All in all. We finally managed to get the herd moving again. Exit Cova and headed towards KDCF for the Krankster's little herb garden. Took a 5 minute break for the Manta to chew on his other bun. And for Grouchy to adjust his disc brakes with his fingers. Into the trail we went. Me being a first timer here decided to step back and watch the lemmings move forward. Its best to watch and learn first ya? Falling down is funny only if you get to watch it first hand. 

   In one word. Breathless...

   KDCF is one of the better trails we have ridden in a really long time. Relentless climbs. Flowing downhills... Switchbacks. Roots all over. Blind junctions. Canopy single tracks. Barking dogs. More roots.. Nice.
   The entire herd came out grinning like mindless chimps. Cant say i blame them. It was quite a trail to ride. Words cant describe the emotions you get to experience here. Takes me back to how Kiara was 10 years ago, where we had to crawl under the huge tree to cross the little stream. Pity... All but memories now. Sigh...

   So it was off for post ride lunch with Krankster leading the way. The lunch was eye opening in its own way. Guinness was knocked RM10.40 for his mixed rice. We had a gala time watching him trying to swallow up all his 10bucks worth of rice. 
   The ride back to the car after having lunch was a sight to behold. A line of riders covered in mud and sweat plodding along Kota Damansara road. Imagine a full stomach riding up a gradient under the 1o'clock sun..On tarmac.. Not easy trying to hold it all in i tell you. Not easy at all... That's where having strong posterior muscles come in play. 


Friday, 18 May 2012

Broga Ride Report ...(Ride report was late due to PG18 rating involved during ride.)

   Apologies for the much delay in the submission of the ride report for Broga. Yours truly was out from the ride. Therefore i had no idea who died or suffered multiple leakage from the rear during this ride. Waited almost 5 days before a report was finally submitted. With much anticipation, report was very thorough and requires parental guidance during reading. Kindly read with a Bible in hand to prevent heart seizure.
   Ride report courtesy of the Old Manta.

Broga Ride Report:-
Dear blog master,
   We failed once again in our attempt to ride Loops 1 and 4 of the Presidential at one go last Sunday. Wonder what's the secret with those dudes who completed the ENTIRE Presidential ride in 2011. Must be on some kind of buns that we are not aware of. Mind you I was carrying a bagful of buns as usual but.....

   The Korean came with a secret, if dated weapon for this folly, I mean, ride. A 90s technological wonder with skinny tubes, a pretentious fork and barely working V brakes with a firm end. People call it a hardtail, I think. But it weighs only 10% of the Korean's weight. As a result of which we frequently see him dashing up all the hills with unfair power-to-weight ratio advantage. Even almost overtaking the ride leaders. And here we are not talking about our run-of-the-mill ride leaders. It was THE Ride Director himself, no less. Our English Nose made a surprise appearance, after an absence of more than 4,380 days. So nostalgic to be listening to a pre-ride briefing from him after all this while left to our own devices in the wilderness.

     But the bloody Nose is still fit as ever. Seems like the Korean, he has his secrets too. He trains in Kiara well before anyone wakes up, basking in the fact that he's riding Kiara as much as he can before the whole damn place is fenced up and all the trails become paved roads to high-end bungalows in the not too distant future.

   Officially our Charlie Foxtrot (Choy!!) was ride leader as only he knows all the 'nipples' and 'vagina' in Loop 1. But to quote him, this time the trail has become a lot more 'hairy' and 'bushy' through neglect. Even the 'vagina' looked out of shape. Most of us thought it looked more like an asshole filled with gooey stuff that we had to get off and daintily carry our bikes over.

   For goodness sake, we couldn't even complete Loop 1 itself, where we had to endure a terribly long, 'hairy' and bushy uphill. At the top of which all 12 of us could only throw ourselves onto the ground. No, wait a minute. Not the English Nose. He was busy going from tree to tree. We thought he needed to find the best spot to pee. But he was actually looking for the spot with the best phone reception. Maybe he had to report to the missus.

   We emerged from Loop 1 at the Kg Kapal junction. This cut out several kilometres of climbing. Phew! From there we were supposed to head for the Chinese temple. At this point, Tan Sri Bok, Albert and Anthony decided to drop out and took a 12km road ride back to the cars. Silly folks. Could have cut that by half if they had followed us to the temple. Haha...

   The stalls at the temple provided great respite from the heat. Debate started about cutting out of Loop 4 at the Rabbit Farm. The English Nose who knows Loop 4 better than anyone suggested the possibility of cutting out at the Chicken Farm. That would be more appropriate for chickens who wouldn't want to tackle that last big climb. 

   So off we went hitting the loop with whatever energy left. At the Rabbit Farm Charlie bought us 100 Plus perhaps to bribe us into taking his offer to do the last big climb. For some reason our friend was very energised that day. Don't know if it was anything to do with all the nipples and vagina in Loop 1. Thanks for the drink, mate. But when we hit the point where the turnoff to the Chicken Farm is, somehow everybody headed for the farm and not the big climb. KY Chan had the biggest smile here while Vincent Chin was most disappointed, having prepped himself for the big climb. He should be thankful to the pack seeing as this was his first time riding Loop 4.... I was equally disappointed with these guys, ahem.

   As always, when riding Broga or Semenyih, nothing beats the tilapia fish post-ride. Not even those lovely single tracks or Charlie's nipples and vagina, which I got to admit was much fun to ride.

Yellow Manta

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

20th MAY Ride- RRI + KDCF Combo

20th MAY Ride- Rubber Research Institute + Kota Damansara Trail.
   Special Combo Ride for this weekend. Here is the planned combo RRI KDCF ride description. The Map here shows the road sections only to give you all an idea the type of road we will be riding. The MTB sections will be the usual trails in RRI and KDCF.

Here are the ride details.
Date : Sunday 20 May 2012
Time : 0800hours
Meeting Point : Car park around Jalan Nuri 7/2 Kota Damansara.  GPS 3.173082,101.575679.

You can also download the directions and  map from the Specialize shop here.
Ride Distance : Around 25-30km depends on how much we mess around RRI.
Trail Description : RRI would be typically Rubber Estate trail and will be a very moderate ride for all skills level. KDCF is a typical forest trail with several technical climbs and switchbacks but should be enjoyable for more advance riders.
    As usual bring enough water and snacks for a 30K type ride and lots of sunscreen and mozzie repellent. RRI is very infested with Mozzies during the hot weather. No helmet no ride.    See you all this weekend.

Ride Leader have posted a shared map with called KDCF & RRI Loop:
You can view and edit this map at

Contact FC Yong @ Krankster 012-225 9910

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

13th May BROGA BROGA Broga Ride.

Weekend Ride 13th MAY 2012. Broga Loop.

This weekend we are riding Broga (Loop 1 and 4) with Choi! leading us in Loop 1. Likely plan is to meet at the police station in Taman Tasik Semenyih (the township just before Nottingham U) at 8am. Hope to see you guys there. Park in the lots just outside the police station. There's also a mamak if you need breakfast (it was there the last time we were there....). Total ride distance should be about 30km.
Yellow Manta

Ride Details.
Date: 13 May 2012 
Time: 8.00am
Meeting place:Outside the Police Station , Taman Tasik Semenyih.
Ride distance: 20-30km depending on route taken.
Ride description: A combination of tarmac, singletracks and, fireroads in plantations and secondary forest that make up parts of Loops 1 and 4 of the last Presidential. There will be a couple of climbs and monkey viewing . Suitable for all levels of riders as long as you have the basic fitness to tackle the ride distance.Bring your preferred trail food and tidbits for our regular stops. Mozzie spray advised.

For more info or direction, contact Pete on 012 227 4443.
After Ride Food Choice.
Steamed Tilipa at Cross Junction

Monday, 7 May 2012

Kiara Ride 6th MAY 2012

Kiara 6th May Ride Report:-
   This was a last minute ride decided upon by the old folks on Saturday. Which explains why there was no ride invite posted prior to this. The original plan was to do the Sungai Buaya Hash run. At the last moment, the old folks realised arthritis might not help doing a 32km ride on a Sunday morning. So, sms's went flying out on Saturday. Riders expected 4. 11 came on Sunday. Turns out we had more young arthritic riders within the group than suspected.
   Sunday morning came, 11 old donkeys showed up for Kiara run. As usual, the Korean was again democratically elected to lead the ride into Kiara:-Which is another way of saying no one wanted to decide which trail to go to. The rest followed like lemmings.
   Usual suspect. Started with The Office. Watched Krankster slipped on an anthill. Waved me to ride on, gaves him the thumbs up. Saw Bulldozer rubbing his elbow. Exit Office, off we went into the tarmac. Took a short break at the entrance of Magic Carpet. Ride on. Under the tree. Watched Krankster slip on a tree root. Gave him another thumbs up. Up and about. Exited at the tarmac at the bottom of 2k. Met the long elusive Tehnichi. Chit chat. Hellos said. Out from the bush popped the KSH smilling devil (some call him Leong ) on his 29er. More hellos said. Chased the devil away with a twig. Up and away we went. Into 2K out at the cross junction. 
   Took another break at the Cross Junction. More chit chat. Bulldozer came out with mud on his jersey. Seems he caught those on a tree trunk. Not the ground. I wonder how mud can get so high up on a tree. Did i mention the mud stain was on his shoulder? Stranger things have happen. Krankster was smilling to everyone. In fact, he was smilling too much. Ok. Take note.  
   Into 2K again, headed towards Mission now. Followed behind Krankster and the Manta. Another slip from Krankster. This time, the front wheel gave way. Overtook him. Manta gave him a worried look. Waved the Manta on. Up and down the Mission. Exited at the tarmac. Regroup. Out came Kranster smilling. This time with mud on his jersey as well.
" Now, what happen to you?"
"Got caught by a tree. More like got stuck on it after failing to clear it at the switchbacks."
   More grinning.
   Saddle up. Tarmac towards Lower Short says the leader. All 11 started cranking on command. After 500 meters Krankster stopped the back 5 riders. 
" Hey look!!. That a huge green snake trying to climb the fence."
   All 5 had a good peek at the snake. It was a really green snake. Krankster was very happy we agreed it really is a Green Snake. Snake was pretty pissed having so many donkeys staring at him. Bulldozer wonder aloud if its true that consuming fresh snake blood help reduce joint pain. In his case, his left elbow. I parked myself between him and the snake. Was a wee bit worried for the little fella. Picked up a stick just in case.
   Climb climb. Up to the junction of Upper and Lower short. Manta insisted on having Another Break. He must have his dose of apple and buns. Well, it is true that sugar level is important for old folks. No arguements there. You can get a wee bit dazed and senile when the glucose level goes low. Krankster is grinning again. Bulldozer continues to rub his left elbow. More intensely now.
   Into Lower Short we go. Krankster high sided himself on the entry. Caught a tree stump.More grinning. Bulldozer still insisted the mud on his jersey did not come from the ground. Ok. Off we went. Came out form Lower Short and continued into Barracuda. Single track till the Bridge at Wasteland. Saw the Manta ride over it. Well done. Continued to the tarmac drop off. The bit that annoys almost all the old folks. They cant quite agree how many degrees the drop off is. Or how many roots there is. Or why Bulldozer continues to rub himself in full view of the public. 
   Unker Danny rode the drop off. Up to the lip, up and over. Smooth like butter. Watching Danny ride down, Tan Sri Bok made a sound like a rabbit being castrated. The Leader looked like he got wet. The rest decided it was smarter to just walk it and argue on the actual gradient from the bottom up. Better view it seems. Took another break.
   Into Plan C the leader decided. Came back out and continued into Boulder and off towards Wasteland again. Krankster caught another tree stump. Manta rode the bridge again. Impressive. It is a wonder how much a bun can help you. Up into the exit of Barracuda. Sky started growling, Could hear thunder in the distance. Tan Sri Bok whimpered like a rabbit again. He sugguested it was probably best to go explore the Nasi Goreng next to KSH instead. Leader looked like he was getting an anal probe done. Thunder roared again. Ok... Group decides that Tan Sri was probably right. Leader gets vetoed out from going to Twin Peaks. No luck this time around for the leader. Off to Nasi Goreng we went. Tan Sri made the same sound again, this time with a little hop.
   This ride disclosed many ahidden things in all the riders. Some traits puts a smile on your face, others plain disturbing. I present my case. Krankster for one is suffering from Clumsy Grinning Donkey Syndrome. Who can fall over 8 times in a ride and still get up smilling? He probably found find all the tree stumps in Kiara with his pedals last Sunday. That is not an easy feat i tell you. On the other hand, Manta for sure is on some sort of drugs. Note:- Please check the content of his buns.Suspicious. Tan Sri Bok sounds like a little moose when excited. Note:- Check underneath. Bulldozer is right handed. Yet his LEFT Elbow is over utilized.He claims has knife cut like pain in his elbow. Which he explains is why he rubs himself so often. He also claims he goes straight to sleep. Never to masterbed. Hmmm... I stopped at asking him how many times he goes to masterbed. I did mention the bit about being disturbing right?
Nasi Goreng Thai
   One thing i can tell you for sure though. The Nasi Goreng Thai i had is excellent. Try it when you are next to KSH. Manta was offended when i did not feed him some. Thats how good the Nasi Goreng was. Try not to get a heart seizure when the bill comes. Its Rm8 a pop...