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19th APRIL 2015 Kota Damansara Ride Report:-
PeteW having a go at his bike... |
One of the weirdest ride ever, conducted by PCC. You really has got to be there to actually comprehend how psychedelic the ride was. Words fail me.
As planned, all the riders came at 8am for the ride. WC came at 7:30am. Excited would be the best word used to describe this little fella. Total in, counted 26 riders. A few from Puchong came as invited guests of Sheman. A few decided to park their car 5km away at the school and rode over to join us at the trail head. The usual ride briefing took place. Someone spoke, nobody paid any attention. Most everyone nodded something in agreement. Pebbles wagged her tail and took a pee. Rob stiffened up at the sight of that. Englishman. They are somewhat attracted to all things warm and yellow.
Big Hero 6 smiles. |
Yaa daa yaa daa yaa daa...
'Big Hero 6' Adam somehow got nominated as the days ride leader. Rob frowned.
Off we went. This time around. It's UNITY in towards the Hut and then HARMONY up towards SAHABAT. Arrived at the Hut and Yellow Manta came up puffing, declaring "
We are one rider less now. Sheman's guest decided 1km of this was enough for him. He turned back towards his car. "
Sheman was lost for words.
Yep. That is Manta walking his bike. |
We are now 25 riders. But i counted only 10 riders at the hut. Seems the other 15 decided to push ahead towards SAHABAT. So up we went. And into the huge tree lying across the trail we bumped. The storm last night was much stronger than anyone suspected. Ok. Under the tree we crawled. Push on. Another tree came into view. Up and over. No problem. All 10 arrived at the clearing. Caught 5 minutes of rest and off towards the Temuan and SAHABAT intersection we went.
Another tree in the way. Crawled under. Cycled 15 feet and another tree appeared on the ground. Up and over. This ride is beginning to feel like a boot camp.
Came to the intersection and there stood the Englishman, grinning at us. Pointed us into SAHABAT and off we went. Rode downhill for 20 feet and came to a standstill. Another tree has been uprooted. Crawled under. In total, we bashed through another 4 more fallen trees before we arrived at the Temuan intersection again.
It was at this juncture where the old goats performed a mutiny on Big Hero. No more crawling. Enough of this. Someone shouted "
Let's abandon the ride and go for Curry Fish Head instead." Big Hero took 3 steps back. Wise man this fella.
Pebbles helping out. |
So instead of clockwise Scouts. We did the reverse out to prevent the old goats from going bonkers. Took another 4 tree crawling sessions before we actually made it out to the community hut. Ran into Birdie, Pebbles and Kenny going into Scouts. Confusion lingered, for almost 3 seconds. They decided to ignore us. So we returned the favor and continued towards the hut.
Vincent Hew helping out. |
An hour at the hut and the guys came out crawling from all directions. Some came from Scouts reverse. A few came from Scouts lakeside. Chee Hong was just happy riding in circles, smilling to himself. Jacky decided it was faster to let the air out of his tyre and walk his bike out instead. Birdie, Pebbles and Kenny decided to be friends with us again and came from lakeside. Choi! and Mei appeared out of nowhere. All muddy, sweaty and breathless. Rob was 2 microseconds from asking the question. I had to grab him and sit him down. Poor fella, all these years in Asia and he still has much to learn. I counted 21 riders.
4 more riders decided to head off elsewhere and switch off their mobile to avoid detection.

More yapping and it was finally decided. No matter what Big Hero said. The guys are using the tarmac back towards Section 9 toilet instead of going back into the trail as earlier planned. Only the Englishman wanted to head back into the trail for more communist training and crawling. We gracefully waved him on.
He heard someone pass a fart and a laugh. Changed his mind. Turned his bike around.
So it was 5km of tarmac crunching back to the cars with our tails between our legs.
In total, we did 6km of off road crawling. Spent 4 hours talking and comparing jersey color combinations. And we lost 4 riders, that somehow ended up on the NKVE. On the other side of the bloody hill!!...Go figure that out. These 4 were aiming to ride to Thailand we suspect.
Mei giving Choi the finger. |
Then spent another 2 hours having teh tarik at Subaidah. Arguing about the freshness of the Tenggiri Curry Fish Head. Refusing to sit inside the restaurant. Choosing to sit under the sun, so that we are able to justify to the Home Minister about us getting burnt during the ride. Bunch of clowns we have become...
Updated 23rd APRIL 2015:-
Apologies but it has come to our attention that there was a discrepancy in one of the attached picture. We received a complain that the picture was wrongly addressed and has caused much distress to the correct person in the photo mentioned. Please accept our sincere apologies and find the correct and proper photo attached below.
"Yep. That is Manta walking his bike." |